The TBC Woo Hoo Achievement Event

What on earth is a Woo Hoo?


It’s usually a night where we get together to celebrate incredible achievements in business.

However, this year, which is the 4th year of the “Woo Hoos”, we will be running the event digitally! Woo Hoo!

We didn’t want businesses to miss out on us all celebrating their incredible achievements (especially in the current climate) so will be going ahead but in a different way!

On 20th April we released the nominations. TBC members nominated a business they felt deserved a pat on the back. For things such as starting a business, overcoming hurdles, going for it, going international etc.

The first 30 businesses nominated will receive a digital Woo Hoo! Our sponsors will film themselves saying why that person has been nominated, and we will invite the “winners” to video their response. We will then put those videos together and release one “winner” video per day throughout June – celebrating 30 business achievements – woo hoo!




The sponsors places are now FULLY BOOKED! Take a look here to find out more about these amazing businesses



Use #TBCWooHoo2020 in social media prior, during and post the event!



Nominations for 2020 are now closed. Get ready for a fantastic event for businesses and a great way to celebrate incredible achievements.



Patrons of TBC